Secure setup for phpMyAdmin

Recently I had to install phpMyAdmin on a new server that serves several WordPress websites. phpMyAdmin has always given one a few security headaches, not least because in it's natural state it runs in http. Anyone knowing the ip address can simply type in the ipaddress/phpmyadmin into a browser and it will open exposing your …

Computing Security – Trusteer Rapport

In recent months I have come across several instances of Trusteer Rapport being installed on home computers on the advise of their Banks. Initially RBS and latterly HSBC as well. At issue is whether this piece of software should be installed on any computer. While it promises an extra layer of protection against phishing exploits …

Computers, Viruses, Spyware, Root Kits … I wonder

This last year has perhaps been the most serious in the Computing Security Industry. In April last year I ran into the first "zombie" computer (a computer that has been "captured" by a botnet as is now practically outside the owners control), it was being used as a spam robot. It had been invaded by …

Is it time for a class action against Microsoft?

For too long, Microsoft have been a law unto themselves. Has the time not come for ordinary people to mount a challenge by starting a class action for damages? If we look at all the fanfare that accompanied the launch of Vista, we, the ordinary public, surely had a right to expect something that was …

Golden rule of Computing

R.T.F.S. If we keep this foremost in our mind, all the time we are using a computer, we will generally be able to resolve most issues or problems. If to need to ask … it means “Read the f……. screen”. Ah you say but the language computers use is impossible to understand. However we mean …

My gripes

Much of this blog will deal with my gripes, so let me get a few pets off my chest. I would like to start with peer-to-peer networking.While peer to peer networking has developed some excellent technologies it’s primary use has been for “downloading” music from other private computers and sharing your collection with other people. …