England Cricket … we might still win but

We might still win … it is not beyond the realms of possibility but … there are problems with the team. In time to rethink I suggested there was trouble in the dressing room. I also suggested that in spite of the apparent failure of the batting unit the real issue is with the bowling …

England Cricket … time to re-think

I guess it is easy to criticize, and I am perhaps guilty of being too quick with criticism. Hopefully I am also constructive with my criticism.   The England cricket team possess a wealth of talent with almost every member capable of match winning performances against any side in the world. They have risen to …

I could have said I told you so!

Today we saw Matt Prior make his test debut … back in November last year I selected him in my choice squad for the Ashes series. Although his normal batting position is at the top of the batting order, I wanted him as my No 7. He had been tried in the 50 over version …

How long will Australia dominate World Cricket?

With four retirements of front line players one would imagine that there is a glimmer of hope for the rest of world cricket … alas this is not the case! If we look at Australia’s future tour commitments … we see that this is actually the ideal time for a changing of the guard! After …

The Ashes … in ashes … already?

If I listen to people around me, England have already lost The Ashes. I think it is still a case of “early days”. Yes, I am disappointed that our team is obsessed with playing Russian cricket … you know, they “rush out” then they “rush in” again! Please note I am at last prepared to …

The Ashes

I intended writing daily, alas after serious sleep deprivation on Wednesday night as I listened to the cricket commentary on the first day of the first test between Australia and England I battled to get through my work on Thursday and Friday. At least I am relatively up to date now. While it is easy …