Scottish Referendum … only a start point

Currency is an emotional question rather than a rational one. Scotland has always had a pound of it's own, it's major Banks have had the right to print currency on a basis that they held Sterling deposits to the same value. Scotland's independence does not mean that principle needs to be broken. Many countries have …

Scotland … The real debate

Unfortunately I was unable to watch the Salmond Darling debate. It seems that the "Better Together" campaign is still hung up on the currency issue, while Salmond seems unwilling to tackle the issue head on. Obviously refusal by the UK to enter into a monetary union with Scotland post independence, is within the UK's right. …

Scotland … there are unintended consequences!

When Salmond first proposed holding a referendum during the current Scottish parliament, it was not going to be a simple in or out vote but a referendum that would allow the Scottish people to express the extent to which they would like a greater say over their affairs. There is little doubt that a referendum …