Brexit, The Conservatives, What a Circus

From Blustering Buffoon Boris to the seriously inept Esther, I can hardly see a candidate worthy of being called Prime Minister! Few, if any, have any grasp of economics. Let us look at a few things in the round. We voted to leave the EU, thereby we voted to create a border between Northern Ireland …

Time for realism

Brexit has gone far enough. Here is a brief summary of UK economy. Primary Industry:   Financial Services. This is arguably the least dependent on Trade deals in that most the Banking Institutions already have subsidiaries in all the markets to which they do not have direct access.  It is unlikely that any trade deal …

Brexit, is there light at the end of the tunnel?

Brexit   As the inevitable approaches, we are still in a quandary. What does the future hold? Is the grass really greener on the other side, or is it just an optical illusion? Questions, questions, questions but still, no answers! What was inevitable? Brexit means the UK will leave the single market and customs union …

Brexit … where are we now?

"Brexit means Brexit" Even to the simplest mind Brexit should mean that Britain is exiting from the EU, however, as the dust around the referendum begins to settle, we are no closer to a clear view of what it actually means. What does the other side of the EU look like? Let us look at …

Brexit unforeseen consequences

Brexit unforeseen consequences? To believe in one's own abilities is both natural and good, however we should always temper that self belief with the knowledge that "after pride cometh the fall". While, it is increasingly becoming clear, the UK will vote to "Brexit" and there is nothing to suggest that we cannot succeed by going …

Brexit … please don’t let it happen!

To Brexit or not to Brexit, whether Cameron is cutting it, or Boris is blowing it. How can we know? By and large our media is Eurosceptic, dominated as it is by Murdoch. It is difficult to understand how the media can play it's role as the "fourth estate" in providing one of the checks …

Migration … a political hot potato

Migration. Migration, particularly economic migration, is a political hot potato. We look for free entry to other markets to provide outlets for our own surplus production. This implies globalisation, and globalisation, when taken to the nth degree, implies equalisation of wages and living standards around the world. Only once this equalisation is achieved will the …

Migration and Asylum … a “collateral cost”

Migration   The seeming surge of asylum seekers in Calais, brings to the fore the issue of migration. It is in this vein that the Politics of the right has most traction. While much of the reaction might seem xenophobic this is fairly natural as whether we like to admit it, or not, we are …

UK Election … what a load of twaddle!

While Nicola Sturgeon does pose a threat … it is a threat to maintaining the status quo … politics as usual … it is a threat to the cozy Westminster club. It will bring about a new kind of politics, the politics of negotiation and consensus. The SNP have the potential to change Westminster for …

Tuition Fees … not so clear cut

Listening to Labour's call for a reduction in level of tuition fees chargeable by Universities, one must question the philosophy that lies behind tuition fees. It would seem rational that if the graduate is going to gain a benefit in terms of earning power that he should ultimately bear the cost of his training, but …