
Such a thorny subject. No matter how much politicians try and absolve themselves of responsibility, rising prices are always ultimately a direct result of Government policy or failure of Government to react correctly to  circumstances. I intend, in this essay, to show that rising prices are not exclusively the result of excess demand, but can …

Govt bailouts of companies

While in principle, I do not have a problem to Governments bailing out companies that have been adversely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. I believe that any Government’s first responsibility is to the people of the country and mass unemployment is not a desirable outcome, however, as with everything, there are caveats. I fear that …

UK population being given mushroom treatment over Covid-19

Our politicians have shown a strong predilection for ‘the mushroom treatment’ in their communications with the people over the Covid-19 epidemic.. Roughly translated this means keep everyone in the dark and feed them a load of horse-shit every now and again. Here is the latest: On Saturday during the Downing Street press briefing we were …

The EU

Much as I believe that it is in the UK’s best interests to remain in the EU, I am sad to say there is no option but to leave. We have a Nation that is becoming increasingly polarised over a single issue. The rhetoric on both sides has become increasingly divisive and corrosive. .To prolong …

Brexit, The Conservatives, What a Circus

From Blustering Buffoon Boris to the seriously inept Esther, I can hardly see a candidate worthy of being called Prime Minister! Few, if any, have any grasp of economics. Let us look at a few things in the round. We voted to leave the EU, thereby we voted to create a border between Northern Ireland …

Time for realism

Brexit has gone far enough. Here is a brief summary of UK economy. Primary Industry:   Financial Services. This is arguably the least dependent on Trade deals in that most the Banking Institutions already have subsidiaries in all the markets to which they do not have direct access.  It is unlikely that any trade deal …

Brexit Northern Ireland

Why is everyone getting so het up about EU position on Irish border? The position is clear, there is a border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, both ‘de facto’ and ‘de jure’. The Good Friday agreement blurred this, which was fine while both were members of the EU. However, we want to …

China 1 Trump 0

First blood to China. The USA government announces a $200 billion life line for farmers, as they feel the bite in China's response to the Trump tariffs on steel and aluminium. Trump scores an own goal! Current score:  China 1 USA 0. When Trump says "make America great again" he is overlooking that the world …

Brexit, is there light at the end of the tunnel?

Brexit   As the inevitable approaches, we are still in a quandary. What does the future hold? Is the grass really greener on the other side, or is it just an optical illusion? Questions, questions, questions but still, no answers! What was inevitable? Brexit means the UK will leave the single market and customs union …

Donald Trump and Trumpism

Donald Trump   There are many adjectives that could be used to describe Donald Trump. Probably the first that come to mind are uncouth and boorish, however from all accounts he can be charming in the face to face meeting, which indicates that two-faced is closer to the mark. That he is shrewd is beyond …