Currency is an emotional question rather than a rational one. Scotland has always had a pound of it's own, it's major Banks have had the right to print currency on a basis that they held Sterling deposits to the same value. Scotland's independence does not mean that principle needs to be broken. Many countries have …
While I can understand the reasons and the desire of part of the Islamic movement's wish to recreate a Caliphate covering the middle East, I cannot accept the willy nilly slaughtering of people who do not agree. The word terrorist has been used over liberally during the past decade. Here we have a situation where …
Unfortunately I was unable to watch the Salmond Darling debate. It seems that the "Better Together" campaign is still hung up on the currency issue, while Salmond seems unwilling to tackle the issue head on. Obviously refusal by the UK to enter into a monetary union with Scotland post independence, is within the UK's right. …
Associated Press in Washington have just released a report, coming out of a freedom of information request, that the USA have been making use of "Agents Provocateurs" to foment unrest in foreign countries. "Beginning as early as October 2009, a project overseen by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) sent Venezuelan, Costa Rican and …
Fine words are all very well it is deeds we need. Hamas wont stop firing rockets unless Israel ends the illegal blockade against shipping to Gaza, Israel wont stop bombarding Gaza unless Hamas stops firing rockets. Impasse! The Palestinian conflict began in the late 1800's with Jews moving back to Palestine and establishing small settlements …
Democracy is a funny thing. Our media, and politicians, have come out firmly that Russia is the nigger in the woodpile over Ukraine. I was almost born a sceptic and when politicians take a strong stand I tend to look for the weaknesses in their arguments. We have quite a record of getting involved in …
A few weeks ago I was visited by two political activists from the LibDems. They turned out to be two of our local councilors. I gave them my usual response; "The best thing we can do with our politicians, is take them down to the sea and drown the lot of them." The elder of …
International trade is a barter system! We pay for our imports, not with money, but, with the goods we export. While we might perceive that we have paid for imports with money, this is an illusion … We can illustrate this best by considering an export. Assume we export some goods to the USA, the …
We might still win … it is not beyond the realms of possibility but … there are problems with the team. In time to rethink I suggested there was trouble in the dressing room. I also suggested that in spite of the apparent failure of the batting unit the real issue is with the bowling …
There has been much said about the potential dividends of fracking to the UK economy. Councils are being offered inducements to give planning permission for fracking in their areas, to counteract the strong opposition or "nimbism" that is evident. We are told it is safe and carries little risk. What about: North Dakota or Exploding …